How to prepare for your first gymnastics class

Are you getting ready for your first class with us or returning for a new session? Here are a few tips to help you prepare, especially if you’re participating in our recreational (Gymnastics for All) classes.

Healthy Habits

Building a strong foundation of healthy habits early on in life will benefit any individual, their family, and the community they contribute to. This includes an overall healthy mindset and attitude towards nutrition and fitness, and understanding the connection between the two. At RGA, we strive to provide an environment that instills the love for fitness, health, and sport.


Since our weekday classes are scheduled after school, class participants are encouraged to have a small, healthy snack before class. Unless specified, Gymnastics for All class participants do not need to bring a snack to class. If your class is later in the evening, please ensure that you are not attending class immediately after a large dinner. We recommend the following options:

  • Have a light dinner 30 minutes before the start of your class.

  • Have a snack after class.

  • Have a full dinner minimum 1 hour before the start of your class.  

This is to prevent tummy aches, feelings of nausea, and/or discomfort while participating in gymnastics (No one feels good jumping on a trampoline with a full stomach).

Regarding camp participants - more information is available here.


Participants who are dehydrated may feel their energy levels drop and even have trouble concentrating. Concentration and focus are crucial to safety and performance to participate in sport, so it’s important that members ensure that their child has all the resources to stay properly hydrated for class. Make sure to bring a full water bottle. We do have a kitchen where you can refill your bottle through the faucet (we do not have a water fountain). Water bottles are kept in the cubbies and can be accessed throughout the class and during break.

Timeliness and Behaviour

Including a child in the planning and time management necessary to arrive on time is a good way to instill the values of time and respect for the class, teammates, and coach. While late arrival may happen sometimes, do understand that a child may miss out on important instructions or warm-ups that prepares them for class. Try to arrive 5 minutes early so that your child has time to get ready and become comfortable in the gym environment.

  • Bring a learning and respectful attitude to every class!

  • Once you are at the gym, look for an empty cubby to place your items (shoes, jacket, water bottle, a bag (if brought one along)), and line up at the ‘line up here” sign. The coach will call your class when ready.

  • Participants are expected to always listen to their coaches to ensure safe, respectful, and fun participation in class.

  • Participants are expected to be respectful of the training space/facility and the equipment. All participants and visitors must clean up after themselves and keep their surroundings clean.  

Training Attire

For safety reasons, proper attire is necessary to wear to gymnastics classes.

  • A comfortable and tight-fitting top and bottoms is preferred. For example, a leotard with leggings or gym shorts, or a t-shirt or tank top with leggings or gym shorts.

  • Examples of unacceptable attire: tops with low, scoop necks; tops that leave the midriff bare (eg: just sports bra with lowers); loose tops and loose pants/lowers, pajamas.

  • Participants must either be bare feet or wear socks while on the gym floor. The coach may ask the participant to remove socks if it is deemed to be a safety hazard.

  • Long hair, or shoulder length hair should be tied back in a ponytail or braid. The participant must keep extra hair elastics in their bags.

  • Jewellery is not allowed to be worn in class. Participants are responsible for their own belongings. We do not advise storing expensive items in the cubbies.

  • Leotards are an optional item for classes. If you are interested in purchasing a leotard, RGA sells handmade leotards at the office.

Please see our Code of Conduct for more information about RGA’s expectations of participants and parents/ guardians.


Richmond Gymnastics

Friendship, excellence and respect.


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